Friday, May 29, 2009

Deadlift Trening

This was week #4 of the Ed Coan program. Suited up in the Inzer Fusion with straps up.
496 X 3
Song choice inspired by Trey Long
[Classic by Kanye West with Rakim, Nas, and KRS One]

T-Bar Rows
2,3,4,5,6,7 plates X 10
8 plates X 5
Obviously did not use strict form on these, but shit, moving that much weight has to make something stronger, right? And if it doesn't, than f*ck!

Some other Upper Back stuff


Nathan Beckmann said...


Trey said...

woooohweee: your liftings 'fi-yah.'

..instant classic.

Greg said...

Damn Brent, that looked easy and your form is solid, keep up the good work kid!