Friday, May 29, 2009

Deadlift Videos

I should be sleeping or preparing for class, but instead I did this.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

Nice job on the maxes guys, but EVERYONE needs to seriously work on their form. The lower back rounding is definitely the cause of the lack of ability to lockout the bar. Your lower back isn't strong enough to lift the bar once your glutes are out of the picture (tucked under due to your back being super rounded). If your lower back is arched properly your glutes fire at the end and should easily lock it out.

Good intensity and I'm glad people are progressing. But every time you deadlift think LOWER BACK ARCHED.

Greg said...

Good advice Jake.
Dave: some of the body weights are pretty far off.

Kyle said...

Hmmm, looks like I need to get my ass in gear or else I'll fall behind.

Juggernaut, the said...

@Greg: That doesn't matter now. Just believe in yourself. Also, who is far off?

@Kyle: Too late. Your one-arm donkey presses w/ feet on fire PRs can't save you now.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Also, I just realized (and confirmed by watching the video) that hitching is caused by standing upright with the lower back rounded. Essentially, you're trying to move the bar the final few inches using ONLY your lower back. The erectors are NOT large muscles and can't lift several hundred pounds on their own. If instead the back was arched for those final inches then the glutes would be available to push the hips through and raise the bar to lockout. Currently all of your glutes are tucked under already. In the video someone said "push your hips through" or something. Basically, ALL of you started off with your hips already through, so they could not help throughout the lift, especially at lockout.

Greg said...

How do we start with our hips not already through?

Jake Ceccarelli said...

You don't have to start with your hips low, you need to arch your back. You may not be flexible enough, in which case lowering your hips will help.

Jake Ceccarelli said...
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Nathan Beckmann said...

To be clear, I don't want to be playa hatin'. Good job on everyone upping the weight on their pulls. But you NEED to fix your form to keep the improvements coming and avoid injury. <3