Friday, July 9, 2010

Post #2,998: Post-Tahoe Bench

Got back from a two week stint in Tahoe. I mainly golfed and drank milkshakes. They had a gym at the place I was staying, but it was only equipped with a bench. Thought I would have lost more bench strength, but...

Reverse Grip Bench:
225x3 PR (Gregging on last rep)

Regular Bench:
185x5, 5, 5

Triceps, Biceps, Forearm and Delt work

Just kind of said "what the hell" when it came to the Reverse Grip, so I hit a hard triple at 225. Wouldn't have passed at a meet, but it went up.

Regular bench numbers were a little lower b/c I basically blew my load on the Reverse Grips (need to increase my work capacity lol), and b/c I am trying to keep my wrists straighter. The first two sets sucked pretty hard just because of the awkward hand position/elbow flare. The third set, I took a thumbless grip on the bar, and it felt like DE work b/c I was able to tuck more and keep my wrists straight.


Luke said...

yeah dude I pretty sure reverse grip wouldn't have counted in a meet anyway

Kyle said...

Two words: Anthony Clark