Saturday, July 31, 2010

7/31 Bench

Bench Press:
235x3 PR
245x3 (Gregged last rep) PR

225x8, 7 PR

Face Pulls:

DB Laterals:

and some light curls to finish. Today was a very good day for benching. 245x3, even if it was ugly, is a HUGE PR for me. The 2-board is right about where I am stalling in the rep, so I will be working those and my delts really hard for the next 6 weeks.


Vit said...

Nice work on the PR Kyle. Didn't you do 259 shirted at the November meet? You might be able to hit that raw now. Reverse gripping your way to victory.

Kyle said...

Thanks Vit! Yes, I did hit 259 at the meet last November, and the 1RM calculator says that I have a projected ~270 bench. But it might be lying, so I'll just keep getting stronger to make sure haha.

Weird Crap FTW!