Sunday, April 25, 2010

RE Bench

275 x 5 x 5

Triceps were obliterated by the skull crushers on weds., so these were harder than they should have been.

315 x 3
335 x 3
355 x 2 + 1f (gassed)
335 x 3

Tricep exhaustion on these as well.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press:
80s x 8
85s x 8
90s x 7

Finished with 4 sets of close-grip pull ups, 4 sets of reverse flyes (these irritated my elbows when I went heavy), and 3 sets of ab wheel.


Ben said...

hey Dave,

how do i go back to some old posts that i forgot to tag myself in and actually tag myself?

Juggernaut, the said...

Click the pencil icon at the top and I think that should let you edit them. Also I think there's a way you can see all your posts (press control-d while editing one?)