Thursday, April 22, 2010

4/22 DE Squat

Box Squat (16"):
+ 34 Hardcore, straps down

Banded Hypers:
2Blues x 5, 5, 5

3 sets side bends
4 sets pulldown abs w/Blue band

The squats felt nice and fast, which was very nice (the box was just about parallel). I was able to really sit back into the suit due to my improved ham/glute strength. Even 295 went up pretty quickly. I was going to do my glute thrusts this workout, but the rack that I use to do them was occupied by people doing cleans.


Juggernaut, the said...

Didn't you do 295 for 2 reps on Monday? Why are you only getting it for a single now that you have a suit on?

Kyle said...

B/c when you do the "heavy" work on dynamic day, it shouldn't be a true max. I could have easily hit more than that yesterday, but I wanted to just keep things fast. Keep in mind that it was off a box too.

Juggernaut, the said...

I didn't see any bands, so what was dynamic about yesterday? It wasn't in the 50-60% range either.

Kyle said...

It was dynamic because I was moving the bar at non-Kyle speeds haha. I'm not worrying about percentages right now - I'm just trying to get my body to move weights fast.

Kyle said...

Is there anything different that you would advise?