Thursday, April 22, 2010


335x.96--I didn't chalk up before this and I got it up and had it but it slipped out of my right hand at the LAST possible second. I got it past my sticking point (the bottom) which is why I know I can hit this. Just kinda frustrating to fail on something I know I can hit. Still having arching problems though.
335xf--chalked up. Couldn't get it off the ground. Fuck.
After setting new maxes in squat and bench this week, I was really bummed about not hitting my deadlift max. However, I am glad I decided to stop rather than keep going with bad form and hurting my back.
Also, I think one of the problems is that I missed 3 or 4 weeks of deadlift throughout this split. Just shitty timing that I missed out on the volume stuff and was there for the lockout stuff when I need more help with off the ground than anything else.

136xf...I can do this I'm just tired.

Pause Squats:
155x3@3 seconds
135x3x3@3 seconds

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