Monday, July 27, 2009

Squat Trening

Wasn't planning on doing it today, but decided to finally squat 405 RAW.

Squat (belt only):
375 X 1
405 X 1
Slower that I wanted but I had good depth so I'll take it.

Light Good Mornings
Home Made Reverse Hypers
lots of BICEPS

Here is video of some of those heavy dumbbell rows I was talking about.. You can also see my signature chalk storm that I make.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

Wait...You've never done 405 RRRRAAAAWWWWWW before?

Brent Tanaka said...

I've never even attempted 405 RAW before yesterday. I've always struggled with my squat and I still do, but I'm working on it.

My squat came around a bit during my peaking cycle for the last meet, but I was always using some piece of gear (wraps and/or suit) so I never went that heavy RAW.