Monday, July 20, 2009

Meet Results

BW: 81.6kg

Squat - 180, 185-miss, 185-miss
Bench - 112.5, 117.5, 125 - miss
Deadlift - 185, 190, 197.5

Overall I'd say for my first meet this was a huge success, especially with a 30 pound pr on the deadlift. Opening with 1 pound greater than my best ever on deadlift may have been risky, but I totally nailed it. I'm a little disappointed with squat, but I think my lack of any heavy squat training and my lack of ability to stay tight in the hole killed me. I tend to relax at the bottom and bounce out of the hole. Not a good idea when trying to max. Would have beaten the other guy in my weight class if I'd gone for 120 on bench instead of 125 (I don't know if I could've pulled a 200 deadlift), but oh well, a loss on bodyweight isn't bad for the first time. Maybe I'll just cut more next time!

I am going to modify my training to compete in both, but really it won't have to change too much overall. Just doing more pressing, some deadlifts, and a more Sheiko-like squat routine.

My weight tonight: 195. 15 pounds gained back in 36 hours. Not too bad.

Also, BIG thanks to Brent for being my liftoff guy and general meet-advice guy while I was there, and for the singlet. It was really fun lifting with Trey and Phil as well. The smelling salts provided by Say Tan (a guy who we met there) were fucking crazy! Definitely fun, although I did miss every lift I used them on, lol. Congrats to Trey for a few new records and to Phil for defying Nathan and posting a total.


Deirdre said...

Good job Jake! An excellent first meet.

kenji keeps going... said...

good work man. and i guess i am officially going to be doing a weightlifting competition. HOPEFULLY with you somehow...which may require me to fly out to michigan? haha.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Well go here to check when they are:

I suggest you do this one:
10/31 5th Annual Nomad WL Classic Long Beach, CA
Leslie Musser 818-430-6903

These guys are cool and should be a good intro. If you want to you can check out Cal State Long Beach's weight room. That's where they train and they said I was welcome. They might let you train with them sometimes too (your best bet is to train in Acosta!!!).

The earliest I'd probably compete again is December looking at that calendar. I could do the Toledo meet but I'll still be getting settled into Michigan and don't want to commit to it when I might be really busy.