Thursday, July 30, 2009


1. 7/29/09 - Wed - SHEIKO#20 - SKILLS EVALUATION

Weight: 214. Time: 2:30.

I can't imagine a worse set of circumstances to do a heavy day. So that being said, I'm extremely happy with these results.

I was having weird irregular heart beat last night that distracted the hell out of me and made me only get 4 hours of sleep. Then I called to make a doctor's appointment and they told me to go to urgent care. So I spent the whole day basically getting tested with various apparatus, before being told I was 100% OK and it was probably just heartburn.

But I'm moving this week and I also have a paper deadline so stress was pretty much at the max. Not a good day to go heavy.

Squat 45x5x2, 135x5x3, lungesx15x3, 225x3 (50), 275x3 (60), 315x2 (70),

365x2 (80), 405x1 (90), 425x1 (95)

Belt only. Felt pretty good. 405 was very easy. 425 was slower but still manageable. My right knee wasn't happy after 425, but it wasn't terrible.

Murph (TPS owner) told me he was 'seeing lots of things' I need to fix on my squat. He said 'fix a few things and you'll squat 100 more pounds.' I'm going to look into this after this meet. It sort of ties into my current plans anyway. Murph: 'You have access to every piece of training equipment in the world now. And you aren't using it. Sheiko doesn't make sense, it's too much volume.'

Bench 155x3 (50), 185x3 (60), 215x2x2 (70), 245x2 (80), 275x1 (90), 290x1


Used belt and wrist wraps. Got press command from Carlos on the last set. Not as fast as Dee's, but didn't slow down on the way up either. Felt good.

Deadlift 135x5x3, 275x3 (50), 335x2 (60), 385x2x2 (70), 445x2 (80), 495x1

(90), 525x1 (95)

495 was super easy and fast. 525 was also easy, but I lost my arch a little bit. I felt very good about both, though.

Guess Brent still sucks at squatting, at least.

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