Saturday, July 11, 2009


1. 7/11/09 - Sat - CARDIO/FLEXIBILITY

Weight: ??. Time: 0:30.

  Really fast "cardio" day before seeing movie with Dee. <3 >

Cardio - bike 15 mins

Stretch - soleus, gastroc, adductors on machine, seated groin, hip flexors

2. 7/10/09 - Fri - SHEIKO #12

Weight: 214. Time: 2:30.

  Today went pretty well, even if it wasn't super easy. I feel like I got my squat form back under control. I also didn't budget time very well today, and ended up sprinting through the last parts and supersetting them. Oh well.

  I also didn't mess up my adductors doing the faster drop with the 'old style', which I was slightly worried about. Yay.

Prowler +50 lbs x 2 trips x 2

Grab high down, low on the way back. Prower is harrrrdddd.

Squat 225x5 (50), 275x4 (60), 315x3x2 (70), 340x3x6 (75)

Bench 155x6 (50), 185x5 (60), 215x4 (70), 225x3x3 (75), 245x2x2 (80), 

260x1x2 (85), 245x2x2 (80), 225x4 (75), 215x5 (70), 185x6 (60), 155x7 


Dumbell bench 50x10x5

A: Squat 245x3 (55), 295x3 (65), 340x2x4 (75)

A: Dips bw x 8 x 5

B: Good mornings 135x5x5

B: Lunges bw x 12 x 3

Cooldown for squat.

1 comment:

Juggernaut, the said...

Way to go with the Prowler. Next time try 6 trips. 2 trips is just a warm up.