Tuesday, July 7, 2009


1. 7/7/09 - Tue - CARDIO/FLEXIBILITY

Weight: ?? Time 1:00

Cardio - bike 130 bpm x 30 mins

I was trying to be a little more intense, but my heart rate capped at 130 bpm. Oh well.

Flexibility - calves, adductor on leg press, hamstrings, seated groin, seated glute

2. 7/6/09 - Mon - SHEIKO #10

Weight: ?? Time: 2:45.

  Came into this workout with extremely sore glutes/IT band from taking the whole weekend off. Sometimes my hips really tighten up with some time off. I don't really know why. But it was a good day, I think I figured some stuff out.

Squat 45x10x2, 135x5x3, bw lungesx15x3, 225x5 (50), 275x4x2 (60), 

315x3x2 (70), 365x2x5 (80)

These didn't feel great, but observers said they looked fine (for the most part). They just felt difficult.

Bench 45x10, 155x5 (50), 185x4 (60), 2153x2 (70), 245x2x6 (80)

Dumbell bench 50x10x5

Dips bwx8x5

Squat 245x3 (55), 295x3 (65), 335x3x4 (75), 135x5x3, bw lungesx15x3

On these sets, I tried relaxing the arch and just squatting with a straight (but not super-arched) back. It felt much better -- more like how I was squatting before that felt so great. I'm going to stick with this.

Good mornings IN THE MONOLIFT! 135x5x5


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