Saturday, July 18, 2009


242 Men's Open Raw Powerlifting

BW: 107.9 kg
Squat: 451
BEnch: 352
Deadlift: 529
Total: 1332 (+20 PR)

Well, this didnt go as well as I wanted. Got 4 hours of sleep due to my goddamn sleep problems. Then I weighed in at 107.9, which is about 5 lbs less than last contest (109.7 kg). So lessons learned:

- rent a hotel for out-of-city meets, its seriously WORTH IT just to make sure you get enough sleep
- bring more food (we had to go to the local mall to find food)
- be aware of the meet tempo. This meet only had 30 lifters and went MUCH faster than all of the other meets I've been to

Here's the video.


Nathan Beckmann said...

Hi Phil! Welcome back.

Too bad you didn't get your 1400, but nice PR total regardless.

As for the sleep problems, are you turning into Chad Aichs? But 237 ... you're a skinny bastard now. Focus Phil, I know you have SHW in you if you just believe in yourself.

Nathan Beckmann said...

Good vid too. Are there any videos of Jake and Trey?

Kyle said...

Good job Phil! What were those failed bench and deadlift attempts btw?

Brent Tanaka said...


You were looking pretty thin at 237. I don't want to see you that skinny ever again. Just thinking about that makes me hungry, I'm gonna go grab a burger now...