Monday, July 6, 2009

Half of a squat workout

First day at the new gym near Microsoft. The gym is more of a complex, featuring a range of services from physical therapy, to a full blown spa, to a giant free weight section. The easily have 2X the equipment of Wooden. However, no specialty bars, chains, bands, etc. The people there were nice but not serious. I get a free week but I may not stick around that long.

405 x 5
425 x 5
445 x 5

I got a crazy pain / headache after my second set. Form felt 80%; it may be due to the week off, but I'm still don't feel consistent in my descent ever since I switched form. I really need to get those heeled shoes, as I think they help me sit back much better with my more upright stance.

Box Squat:
225 x 8
275 x 8
295 x 8

The headache switched into migraine mode and I started feeling very nauseous. Rather than boot all over in a new gym, I left. I may try to finish a part of this work out tomorrow.


Nathan Beckmann said...

Dave I haven't seen a comparison of your two forms, but remind me the reason why you changed? I'm having problems with my form feeling off as well, and I think that I figured something important out yesterday. If I arch my back very hard, then it throws off my form somehow. More on this later.

Danny gave me the tip of throwing the elbows forward to stay more upright, which is what I was having a problem with. I haven't tried it yet though, and I don't know if it addresses what you're experiencing.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

I get the exact same thing. I still think it's a flexibility issue: when you have to flex your back really hard to get into the right position it's just because you're fighting your antagonists, which aren't flexible enough. It's hard to describe in another way, but I feel like when I try to just put the load on my legs/glutes I get into the right position, or when I get into the right position, the load is automatically on the legs/glutes.

I do find that when I rise from the hole though, that I arch harder than when I was descending.

Juggernaut, the said...

@Nate: because I sprained my lower back and arching prevented the pain.