Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bloodspot Benching

From now until competition, I will be benching on Mondays at OC Strength Club. My goal is to hit 300...it'll take work but I know I can get there.

lots of warm up
265x1x3 off 3 board. shirted, belted.
275x1x2 no boards. about 2.5 inches off chest
285x4x2 got to within an inch of chest.

Narrow Grip Bench

Tricep pull downs

I'll be working most of my sets without boards so I can work on staying in the groove and pulling the weight down. Stability bench has definitely helped keep everything tighter/more stable, but still needs some work. For the first 2 sets of 285, my feet were moving. I did get everything set MUCH better for the last 2 sets.

As usually happens when I haven't used the shirt for awhile, I got bloodspots around my eyes/face. It looks like I got beat up/aged 40 years. Hopefully I don't keep getting them.


Nathan Beckmann said...

Hell yeah. Good benching Deano, and thanks for posting. Kill that 300.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

You can't get to 300 before me.

Nathan Beckmann said...

Better put on the shirt Jake. :)