Wednesday, July 22, 2009


P. Cl. +Pu J. 92/2 x 4
C&J 92/2 x 2 105/2 x 4 112/1 x 3 105/2+1 x 2
Cl. Pull 105/4 x 2 120/4 x 3
Pu. J 100/2 x 3
Bench 70/5 85/5 95/3 x 2 102/2 x 2
Back Squat 115/4 135/5 x 3
Bench 70/5 85/5 90/4 x 4 failed on the very last rep

Overall this was a pretty good workout. Amazing what not having to shit after every set does for your training. The 85% clean and jerks felt really good. I'm using 120 (264) as my bench max for this round because I'm pretty sure I could've made that at the meet. I won't be benching quite as much though because I want to focus more on the Olympic lifts to break my 110/132 records, but I'm keeping them in to keep up the upper body strength. Also, I'm not going easy on the volume or intensity at all right now because I'm going to move back home July 29 and to Michigan on Aug 1. My ability to workout may be slightly impaired by not having a place to train. The local Crossfit gym is a little pricey (and by that I mean fucking insane) so I am looking into a few other options right now. If any of you know someone in or around Ann Arbor please let me know.


kenji keeps going... said...

Is doing a September 12th powerlifting competition and then an october 31st weightlifting competition a bad idea?

Also, when is it that I should try and start on a set workout routine for weightlifting? I feel like it'll take another...few weeks at least for me to get technique down enough that I could actually do a weightlifting "workout"

I'd also have to learn the exercises.

Not that I am not down to be training both, but I want do respectable at my first weightlifting competition, even though it will be a learning experience regardless.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Well, it depends how much time you're willing to put into the weightlifting training. I maxed on my Olympic lifts 2 days before I did the powerlifting competition and the results were very close to expected.

If you want to really dedicate the 1.5 months to Olympic lifting I say you can definitely do well in the weightlifting competition with your base of strength and explosiveness. The problem is, without a coach, I can't be certain how much technique progress you'll make on weightlifting. You should call me and we can talk about it, there's a lot to consider in how you train for the competition with respect to keeping your strength for powerlifting as well, so it'd be easier to just talk about it.

Nathan Beckmann said...

Hell yes, Deano.