Wednesday, January 7, 2009

DE Bench

This is from yesterday night.

Bench Press: 115x3x9

Most of these were pretty solid. The one thing that I had trouble with and kinda fixed was using my lats at the bottom. If I don't come down right, I don't get that activation.

Tate Press: 35x10
50x8, 6, 6

I am no longer making progress on these, so it is time to switch them out. I will be doing rolling extensions next week.

Chest-supported Rows: 2 plates x 5
2+25 x 5
3 plates x 5 x 6

Hammer Strength Shrugs: 4 plates/side x 15, 15
5 plates/side x 8, 8

Since I had no chalk, my grip slipped on the crappy handles after 8 reps. They must oil those things.

Hammer Curls: 35x10, 10

50 reps on Hypers and 2x15 Side Bends to finish


Jake Ceccarelli said...

What percent is that 115 lb bench press? I assume that's 9 sets of 3 at 55-60%. Honestly, I don't feel like DE bench ever did anything for me... It's good that you worked up to a triple at 85-90%, but you could definitely do several sets at that weight (at least fresh).

Also, in terms of your assistance: I know that when I followed Westside I did a lot of extensions and other direct tricep work. I never felt like it did much for me either. I don't think the isolation stuff is going to help you much (read: Tate presses, extenstions). I think you should be following your bench with something like 5x5 close grip bench, super wide bench, regular bench, maybe incline, floor press, etc. to build muscle in a way that's more specific to bench than isolation work. You don't need to drop the arm stuff necessarily but I think the more actual pressing you do the better your bench will be.

Look at Brent's bench log. TONS of pressing: bench -> floor press or 3 boards -> close grip. Follow up your DE with some real lifting and your bench will go up. Follow it with tricep extensions and it will stagnate. That's what happened to me.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Basically, you need an ass load more volume, especially if you are going to gain 60lb.

Kyle said...

Ted and Dalen reccommended the Tate presses and Extensions to me as assistance after the dynamic bench. They said that those were 2 exercises that boosted most people's bench. I do the pressing and stuff after ME Bench. I definitely should jack up the volume though. Didn't feel like I did too much (even though the sets were hard).

As for % wise, I'm not worrying about that right now - It's bar speed and technique that I am working on. As I develop that, I move up in weight.

Kyle said...

And as for the triples, I am just working up to a weight that is hard, but not a max triple. It's supposed to keep the volume low enough, but still make you remember how to strain after lifting the light weight.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

You talked about George in one of your older posts. What were his lifts before and after he gained the 50 pounds in one summer?

Kyle said...

Here is his Member Bio on Diablo Barbell: