Thursday, January 22, 2009


full pause on each rep
185 x 5
195 x 3 + 1 fail
195 x 3
195 x 3

Bench off Foam Roller
195 x 3
185 x 4
185 x 5
185 x 5

Close Grip Incline Bench
115 x 7 x 4

Dumbbell Chest Press on Weighted Medicine Ball (stability work)
37.5lbs x 12 x 2
45lbs x 8 x 2

Desperately need to work on my form: tucking my elbows would significantly increase my bench and reduce the many shoulder injuries I've had while benching.


Phil Russell said...

Greg, read this article that explains why you're having shoulder problems.

IMO, you would be much better off doing one variation each of Flat Bench, Overhead Pressing and Shrugs than 5 different Flat Bench variations.

Kyle said...

I agree with Phil on this one. Also, the addition of more rear delt work can help a lot. When I did swimming my shoulders were seriously messed up, but doing more rear delt work in the gym helped tremedously with my shoulder pain.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Poliquin supposedly increased some guy's bench by like 30lb in 6 weeks or so just by strengthening his read delts. No idea how that could work for you, but it may help with the pain.

Juggernaut, the said...

Just to add, in the previous workout we did both Shrugs and Farmer's walks for the traps, and then we did chest-supported rear-delt rows. So both body parts are still being addressed.

Greg's main issue is flaring the elbows too soon, which turns the lift into a bb-style bench instead of a pl-style bench. He has gotten much better, but the technique needs work.

Also, multiple forms of benching today was a once-in-a-month occurrence. Normally we don't. However, I wanted to work in some light pre-hab stability work at the end, so we did the dumbbells on the ball instead of triceps. I think the close-grip incline is actually much more of a shoulder exercise than a chest anyway.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Forget powerlifting and take up Olympic lifting. You do lots of shrugging.

Also, I think it's good when you do tons of flat bench work. The volume will certainly help. You should just make sure to do the prehab stuff too. Or take up weightlifting.

Greg said...

The article argues bridging is bad for your back and bad form... any comments?