Friday, January 23, 2009

Awesome Weigh-In

Woke up this morning at 187 (ughhh)
Only liquids were a cup of coffee and a can of diet mountain dew + a few water fountain gulps here and there
Finished with classes at 2, and sat in the sauna until 4

Wooden said I was 181. Went home, my scale said 183.

Drove to the convention center with two sweatshirts on and the heat on high at full blast

Weighed in at 180.5

Thanks to creatine / panda express / a ton of gatorade and DMD, I am now back up to 193 <3<3<3<3

220s here I come!

1 comment:

Brent Tanaka said...

Holy shit Dave. You are one crazy cat...193?!?! How much creatine did you take and DMD is diet mountain dew right?

Go get some tomorrow. I shall root for you.