Wednesday, January 14, 2009

ME Bench

Goals was to do the last shirt work before the meet and to work the lockout.

315 x 1 (ZOMG easy)
365 x 1
370 x 1 (PR; easier than 365)

I forgot to keep accelerating on the 365 and had a mild slow down in the middle once the shirt let up. 370 was much easier. I didn't want to max out so close to the meet. Plans for the bench are now:
1) 353 (160 kg)
2) 369 (167.5kg)
3) either 375 (170kg) or 380 (172.5 kg) depending on how 369 felt

Also, the Cutter really tore up my armpits this time. Vit saw something black up there and I thought it was shirt remnants. Upon closer inspection, it was a 1" x 2" black blood bruise. awesome.

Foam Roller Press:
All reps done with a full pause. The foam roller is equivalent to a 3-board, but you have to hold the weight or it sinks. I did one rep with the foam roller + 2 board, but with my arch, I didn't have to unlock my elbows to get it touch(!), which was amusing.

365 x 3
375 x 3
385 x 1 + 1 fail
385 x 1 + 1 fail

Band-resisted Close-grip Pin Presses:
Low pins 2" off chest. Used choked green bands, which were hard. All reps paused on pins.

135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 2 + 1 fail, 205 x 3
205 x 4

I had to grind up those last reps on 205. This felt encouraging to know I could still get something heavy despite the slow-down

Cable Flyes:
Pause at bottom

80 x 10
100 x 10
110 x 10
110 x 10

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