Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Roper sack

Close-grip pull ups
bw + 45 x 5
bw + 90 x 5
bw + 115 x 5
bw + 135 x 4
bw + 90 x 6

thumbless grip + full pause at the top
315 x 12
315 x 15
405 x 8 (kept slipping)
315 x 21

Bent-over Rows:
super strict, with weight touching the ground (no bounce) between each rep
165 x 8
250 x 8
250 x 10
275 x 6

Band-resisted curls:
40 + greens x 8
40 + greens x 10
40 + greens x 8
40 + greens x 6

Reverse Flyes:
160 x 10
205 x 10
245 x 10
275 x 10

Finished the 3 sets of rainbow dragonfly ponies, for 3, 5 and 7 reps. (Abs were sore from the ab wheel yesterday)


Brent Tanaka said...

Hey Dave. Are you guys training on Thursday? I'm coming to UCLA for the basketball game that night and was going to stop by. I think the game starts at 8pm.

Juggernaut, the said...

Yeah, I'm not sure when exactly. I'm guessing we could go a little earlier if need-be. Also, I think a few guys are going to the game, so maybe we could split up too if that's easier.