Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Recovery Day for Lower Body. Monday 6/14/10

Unfortunately, I dropped something on my right big toe while I was packing up to leave the dorms on Friday and it really hurt actually to the point where I had to ice it and walk easy on it the next day. It felt 98% better today though but I still didn't want to squat heavy so instead I did the following:

45 Minute Bike Ride
-> I took the road bike out on the streets and through the hills. My heart rate was sky high and I was breathing very heavy. Man am I out of shape!! Absolutely no endurance like I used to have in the cross-country days.
-> During the bike ride however I did TWO 150 METER SPRINTS ON MY BIKE UP A STEEP HILL just to get a little explosion going in my legs and that felt really good. The first 150 I was able to stay in the "standing" position and really drive my legs through the pedals but the second 150 I got pretty tired halfway through and had to sit down for some of it.

Body weight Squats
4 sets of 20
-> just to retain muscle memory in the muscles.

Ankle Strengthening Exercises
-> about 4-5 minutes balancing on each leg on my semi-circle foam pad

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