Monday, June 21, 2010

6/22 Bench


BB Row:

BB Curls

Felt kinda tired and weak today, so I didn't go completely balls to the wall.


Vit said...

Lots of RGBPing I see lol. So are you basically doing 3 days a week alternating box squat and RGBP workouts?

Luke said...

dude stop reverse gripping. You may have already reached the point of no return aka where your reverse grip is so much stronger than your regular that you are blinded by your desire to lift more weights, disregarding onlookers and federation rules.

Kyle said...

Yeah, I'm pretty much only reverse gripping and box squatting. My frequency is whenever the hell I feel like going to the gym.

The reason I chose those two were because they build the right muscles for me to lift with. Just doing regular squats and deads only build my pecs and quads. The box squats put a huge demand on the glutes and hams, and the RGBP build up my lats, delts, and triceps really well. I will actually get back into the heavy free squatting and benching (suited of course) once I get to lifting with you guys down in LA.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Reverse grip benching is not going to have as much carryover to regular benching as... regular benching will. If you're lifting raw then pecs and quads are the most important muscles for the bench and squat, which is why benching and squatting build them up! I guess if you're only competing suited/shirted then you should do lifts with more carryover to equipped lifting, but I'm still not completely sure if rgbp is better than bench. Box squatting may be as good as free squatting... Not convinced of that though.