Monday, June 14, 2010

6-14-10 Squat

Went to a Gold's Gym in Pasadena. It was pretty similar to the Wooden Center in terms of equipment. The squat rack was a simple frame, not a power rack and the pins were a bit higher than I like. Also I had no belt or UCLA powerlifting team to spot me so I wasn't that into it.

Squat (unbelted)
275 x 5
295 x 3 not easy
315 x 1 + fail. lost tightness in hole didn't come up quick enough. Didn't feel heavy.

Pause Squats 3 second self imposed
225 x 3 x 3 easy

133 x 5
153 x 3
173 x 1
183 x 1
193 x 1 PR
183 x 1
cleans felt good today

Standing cable abs and wide grip pull ups

working out by myself sucked


Juggernaut, the said...

Nice to hear you found a gym up there. Also that the safety pins work, haha

Ben said...

Luke, we live close enough that we should have organized and signed up with the same gym!! darn! .... we could have hit up some nice workouts together halfway between our homes at some gym ...

Anyways, bring some music or something and stay motivated!! lift that heavy weight like you always do!

Luke said...

I was able to get a spotter for my squats... but it just wasn't the same.

Ben I haven't signed up yet they let me in for free. There's a 24 hour fitness right near the east end of la canada in altadena that I might check out. It's at the corner of Woodbury and Lincoln just north of the 210.