Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Lift - technically block 2 # 13

P Sn. Bel Kn. 75/4 x 2 85/1 x 3 (these were basically hang full snatches in the end)
Snatch 85/2 x 2 95 - (1+miss), 85/1 90/1 95 - miss, 1,1,1,miss, 97 - miss, 90/1 95 - miss
Sn. Pull 97/3 x 4 107/2 x 4
BTN Press + OHS 60/1 55/3+2 x 2
I had to do these starting from the top but I was not too unhappy with the results.
Back Squat 100/2 120/2 145/3 x 4 These felt heavy but weren't bad. I feel like I'm almost back.
Drop Snatch 75/2 x 2 85/3 x 2 - Stopped because my back was pretty fried from everything plus the extra jerks I did this week. I don't really feel like I'm missing out when this happens because in the end the same muscles got trained, just for a different lift. Overall I think the improvement in overhead strength will be sufficient either way but with the extra jerks I get the added bonus on improving jerk technique, which is the most important thing right now.

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