Monday, February 16, 2009

ΩE Squat

Lower back was feeling like death today. I think I overworked it a bit on those stiff legged deadlifts. I got a massage from Wat Po Thai over the weekend, which was both cheap and one of the best I've ever had. They did a bunch of stretching stuff, which I had never had done before.

Box Squats:
Uses purples and greens:
135 x 2
225 x 2, 3 sets
275 x x, 3 sets

Half-assed Squats:
So I thought I would try using a higher box today to work on the transition after the explosion from the hole. Unfortunately the next highest box is 18"(?) which felt waayyyy to high. That or I am ridiculously unbalanced in strength. I think a 15" box would have been just right.

Uses purples and greens again

315 x 2, 3 sets
265 x 2, 2 sets
415 x 2

Front Squats:
at least these were legit

225 x 8
245 x 8
275 x 8


Jake Ceccarelli said...

With all the band work you do I don't see how working a high box would help that much. You're already overloading the top half of your squat a lot.

Juggernaut, the said...

It was actually supposed to be for the mid-range. I tend to get a good explosion out of the hole and then stall, so in addition to pause squats, I was hoping some medium-box work might target that area more.

But it looks like wooden doesn't have a medium box for us to use, haha.

Nathan Beckmann said...

Why not high pause squats? Seriously.

Phil Russell said...

Dave, I believe that you should construct a staggered box with two different heights. This will allow you to develop sport-specific facilities and improve your elasticity. Be sure to attach contrasting amounts of bands & chains to simulate the actual lift. Remember, pause for varying periods on alternating sides of the box.

Juggernaut, the said...

@Nate - I do sometimes, actually. Well, not "high" but pausing right above the hole. I was hoping to use the box to take all of the tendon stretch out of the lift at that point, but it was too high to target the right area

@Phil - I shall call it THE MOON BOX™