Sunday, February 22, 2009

USAPL CA State Meet: Post Mortem

I went to bed at 186.6 on my scale. I was dropping 2-3 lbs at night, so when I woke up at 187.0, I was pretty freaked out. I think I weighed myself wrong the night before, or I sleepwalked (sleptwalk?) and drank a lot of water.

I ended up going to the sauna at 5am and sweating there until 7. This was miserable. I kept getting overheated. I switched to the steam room for the last 40 minutes which made things more bearable. I was sweating the entire time, so I know I wasn't completely dehydrated.

At 7am, I left weighing 183 and went to go pick up the guys. I put on two sweatshirts and cranked the heat. When we got there, I weighed 82.3kg. Sweet. I felt ok, but thirsty. I immediately ate a sandwich and started drinking gatorade.

The big mistake was drinking too much gatorade. I realize that I should have been drinking a little bit of it to replenish my electrolytes, but then switching to a bunch of water. The stuff is so sugary that it made me feel horrible for the first hour. Once I switched to water, things seemed to go better. I think drinking only this stuff is what might have killed me at raw nationals last year. IMPORTANT LESSON™.

The meet itself was ok. People got so quiet during lifting though because according to USAPL rules, you can't play music during it lift itself. I decided to make noise anyway, and just started shouting at people while they were lifting. Lifting in vacuum is teh lame.

551 x 1

easy. 1 red light for depth. whatevs.


Pauses were long, so I changed my opener to 335 to prevent any errors.

I called for 152.5kg, but they wrote it as 142.5kg. Apparently, they couldn't change it, so my opener was even lighter than expected. I actually hit 315 in the warm up, so this lift was stupidly easy.

315 x 1
335 x 1
351 x 1

All easy, as planned

606 x 1

Brent said it was the fastest deadlift he's ever seen from me. After looking at the video, it does look quick. I did a dance after I lifted it, which I am pleased and embarrassed by.

Total: 1509. Men's Nationals, here I come.

After that meet, I'm not sure if I'm going to lift equipped any more.

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