Thursday, February 12, 2009

Getting back into it

I hate taking time off. I hate it because it makes you weak and makes everything feel so damn heavy. Don't do it. Ever.


P. Clean 92/4 x 4
C&J 105/1 x 5 (supposed to be 2 reps each but I just didn't have the strength)
Cl pull Bel Kn. 105/5 x 2 120/3 x 4 felt SUPER heavy
Cl. pull to st. leg 132/3 x 2 145/2 x 3
Felt heavy, but actually not that bad since I don't need to worry about the explosion.
Back Squat 107/1 125/1 156/2 x 2 Supposed to be 4x3. The bar just felt so heavy I almost failed on the second rep of the second set. It sucked.

P Cl. bel. kn. 92/4 x 4
Jerk 105/2 x 3 117 - basically got a bunch of singles at this weight, dropped down to 105 and
worked back up for technique practice. All in all not too bad, probably the best feeling lift so far.
Clean Pull 105/3 120/3 132/2 x 2 These were a complete waste. I had zero explosion and the weight felt like it was twice as much as was on the bar.

Power snatches were assigned for the end of the workout but I had no explosion left and when I tried them I found my wrists hurt as well. I = pussy right now.

After the workout I went to the ARC and did 3x2 jerks with 107, which were easy and made me feel better. Some guy even said "Everybody here could learn from that kind of lifting," which made me feel better. I don't want to be the guy who does "cool" lifting in the gym though, I want to scare everyone, so I'm not 100% satisfied. Then I did 20-30 minutes of hamstring/groin flexibility, which I have been horribly neglecting and need to do every day. Please feel free to remind when I have not posted that I stretched.

Overall this week has sucked balls workout-wise. I am weak, still a touch sick so I cough after every lift, and feel like a pussy because these weights should be flying up. I was supposed to start the competition phase training this week but I decided to postpone it and do some of the preparatory workouts I skipped while travelling to try and re-condition my body. I'm really hoping that by next week I'll be back to decent form. I'm not sore at all, but as I said the weights feel heavy as hell. I think it's just a matter of reaccustoming myself to heavy weight again ASAP.

I'm really frustrated that you can lose it so damn fast.


Juggernaut, the said...

How long did you take off?

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Just a week. I guess it shouldn't be that bad but I seriously feel like it's been a month...

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Also, the rest was partially due to the fact that I was sick and could not even clean and jerk more than 60kg last Tuesday.

Phil Russell said...

Well, I took off 2 weeks and it took about 2 weeks to get it all back. Then I got even stronger. So never fear!

Juggernaut, the said...

It's pretty common for powerlifters to take the week off before a meet. But generally the weights feel lighter after the rest. Do you think the difference is in training schedule? I'm just curious what the factors are that account for whether time off is time-lost or recovery-time.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

I think it's a couple things. First, 2 of the missed workouts were solely because I was sick, so that could easily be contributing to the problem. Then I had 6 days off in addition while travelling, so it totalled 9 days off and recovering from being sick. I also never take a full week off before a meet, generally it's 1-2 days tops, if that. Also, this break happened during the last week of the preparatory phase, which is high volume and building off of the volume from previous weeks. I definitely feel like my work capacity plummeted during the time off even if strength didn't really drop any. The loss of work capacity is (I think) the main reason that frequency is high and no time is taken off before a meet even though volume and intensity are reduced before it. I always feel strong during periods of high volume and shortly after provided I'm still lifting. I guess it's really just a work capacity issue.