Thursday, February 12, 2009


I felt totally unmotivated today. My lower back felt great and the pulls were surprisingly easy, but my mind was not really into the work out at all.

Band-resisted Deads:
Did the double-band attack, with quadded minis + the horizontal greens that start 1" above the bar when it's on the ground. maybe 150-200lbs at the top? Only batman knows.

315 x 8
495 x 5, 2 sets

Stiff-legged deadlifts:
335 x 8
425 x 8
475 x 8 (PR)

I forgot the reds were 55s, so this was kind of a retarded PR. I hit 455 x 5 back over break and thought that was pretty good, so I was going for 3 more reps today. Whoops!

Lower back was tired, so I skipped cleans and just did a few sets of GHRs. Finished with banded decline abs

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