Monday, February 16, 2009

2-16, competition phase #1

P. Sn. Ab kn. 77/2 x 4
Snatch 77/2 88/2 x 2
97- 3 x miss
90 - 1
95 - 2 x miss

P. Cl. + J 95/2+1 x 3
C&J 95/1+2
108- (1+1+miss), (1+1), (1+2), (1+2)

After this I was extremely tired for no reason other than the illness/vacation. I was extremely pissed, as I always am when things aren't going well.

Went back to the ARC tonight and finished the front squats:

Front Squat 102/4 127/5 x 4

Felt a little heavy but really not bad overall.

Stretched for like an hour because I ran into a guy a few labs down from me who's actually not an idiot when it comes to working out (meaning he listens to my advice and has begun to improve). I stretched/talked with him. Overall a good stretch and I felt a little less pissed afterward.

The new plan is: finish this competition cycle then re-asses where my training is and if I want to continue the Russian plan or switch to something else (I'm thinking Mike Burgener's program). If by some miracle I pull my head out of my ass and make some records during my test I will probably continue with the Russian routine because until I got sick I was on track for records (I hit 105 on snatch, which is my competition best just just before I got sick, during the 6th week of 7 in the preparatory phase). If I still feel like total shit and my work capacity sucks I will either have to repeat the prep phase or switch to Mike's program. I am not thrilled with the second option because I felt like I was starting to progress with the Russian program, and because I am stubborn. I've even talked to Mike about using his program vs. this one and he said it didn't really matter, which is why I decided to stay with this for another round. The last reason is that I'm not thrilled about changing programs in general. I've doe a lot of that and wasted a lot of training time in my life, which is why I'm where I'm at in weightlifting. Honestly, not that sure what to do except eat dinner.


1 comment:

Nathan Beckmann said...

Hang in there Jake! All that matters is you believe in yourself.