Saturday, February 28, 2009

test day

Snatch: 105, 108, 110

Clean and Jerk: 122, 128-miss x 3

Great day for snatch, I hit a 3kg record (5kg if you count competition max). I attribute this to two things: focusing on flexibility and keeping my back arched hard through the lift and the catch. I attribute the loss in the clean and jerk to being sick and losing strength (I almost passed out on every clean) as well as my jerk technqiue still being a little bit off (I still send the bar a little forward). I'm going to continue with the Russian program though, pretty much as it is. I'm going to do all the cleans and pulls as written (I've also been decreasing clean puls to add in more jerks) and just add in some jerk supports with weights around 100% and do some additional 70-75% jerks for technqiue.

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