Wednesday, February 3, 2010

02/03/10 Bench

Testing out how injured my forearm still is...

Bench (long pauses):
245 x 2 for 4 sets
These were a bit harder than I would have liked, and I have 3 personal problems as to why that was. Legs still tired from mondays squatting = no leg drive, back still tired from yesterdays work = not as much explosion off the chest, haven't done heavy raw work in about a month. I think I have exhausted my excuses. All that being said, not an awful effort.

185 x 8
205 x 8

Close-grip Bench:
225 x 4+1 w/ help
225 x 4+1 w/ help
stopped here arm started really bothering me

Tricep Machine

By the end my tendonitis was at a mid-range of pain, annoying yet tolerable, and my forearm had a dull pain but not the throbbing/shooting pains as before. Either way, moral of the story...I did some ME ibuprofen popping following the workout.

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