Saturday, February 27, 2010

2/27 Study Results - Accessory

Got up this morning at 8 to do the Exercise Study. They did a whole bunch of stuff, including taking blood samples, ultrasound of carotid artery, and a DEXA scan. I am 18.6% bodyfat at a weight of 222 and height of 6'2.5". Also, what is a notable mention is that my bone mass readings were much much higher than everyone else's - even people of similar height. Especially when it came to the skull. My skull had 715g of bone, and the next highest person there had only 620g. Dropped as a child FTW.

Leg Press Max: 810 + 100lb sled
Bench: 235 (wasnt easy, but wasnt too difficult either - could have gone higher with more sleep/blood)
Machine Row: 250

since I did not feel fatigued by the testing, I did a normal workout as well:


SHIP:(assuming Smith bar weighs ~30lbs)

Ultra-Wide BB Row:
135x10, 10, 10

High Row Triceps:
65x10, 10

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