Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ryan Squat 2/13/12

Really focused on keeping my knees out and chest up, so I widened my stance significantly and flared my feet. This helped a lot with keeping my knees out and chest up, but was much more difficult to hit depth, and was also more difficult to squat.
245 x5 @8
265 x5 @9
All my lifts were either at, or only slightly below parallel and were tough.
Brought my stance in a few inches on each side but kept a big flare.
275 x5 @9-
Bringing my stance in a little made hitting depth a lot easier, and I was also able to easily keep my knees out, and the lift was easier and quicker overall. I like this stance.

105 x3
145 x3
165 x3
185 x3
205 x2
225 xf

Leg press-
5, 6, 7, 8 plates each side x8 reps

Hamstring curls x3
calves x3

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