Saturday, February 25, 2012

Max Effort Elevated Deadlift. Fri. 2/24.

Max Effort Elevated Deadlifts 3x1
-> (standing above floor level with a standard 45lb plate under each foot, feet were ~1.5 inches above platform while weight rested on the platform)
315 (@9), 345 (@10), 335 (@9+)

Good Mornings 4x5
135 (@8), 145 (@8+), 155 (@9), 165 (@10-)

D.E. Box Squats 8x2
first set @ 115, sets 2-8 all @ 135

Standing Calf Raises Machine 3x10
60 (@6), 100 (@8), 120 (@10)
-> (achilles don't feel great but also don't hurt)

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