Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ryan Squat 7/30/12

265 x5
275 x5
285 x5 @9-

SSB box squats-
185 x5
205 x5
225 x5

SSB band resisted-
135 x2
185 x2
185 x2
165 x2x4



Vit said...

How've you been Ryan? Still working in Westwood? Any meets planned?

Ryan said...

I've been doing well. I took mid-January to mid-June off for my shoulder and some knee pain that was just starting to get aggravated. My knee is great and my shoulder is in excellent shape *knock on wood*. I work in Venice, but I still live in Westwood. No meets planned yet until I get back up to normal numbers.

How have you been?

Vit said...

Been good man. Still working in long beach, living in huntington. Training has been going pretty well, will be competing in the 220s from now on.

Luke said...

fat. ass. :)

Ryan said...

Damn, Vit. I'm only rocking 210 right now. I've got a little catching up to do.

Vit said...

Haha I'm not a full 220 yet. Currently I wake up around 206-207 in the morning.