Sunday, April 29, 2012

Relearning the Bench Shirt

Here's some vids from my first shirted day since my last meet. It has never been so hard to touch my chest with this damned shirt. One of the most frustrating days at Diablo by far. You'll see on the failed 385 that I struggled going down and tried to force the last inch. Then I was able to double it. On the 405 I was so focused on touching that I did a touch and go. I'm going in the shirt one more time to hit my opener a couple of times for clean singles. 385 x f 385 x 2 405 x 1

1 comment:

Vit said...

Looks like on that failed 385 you may have gotten loose at the bottom? Looks like the bar drifted towards your head out of the groove a little bit. Some very strong benching though man.